Terms of Use for CousinsUSA.com
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Terms and Conditions


  • Materials: Logos, text, graphics, images, trademarks, copyrights, patents, data, audio and video clips, logos, buttons, software, service names, words or phrases, page headers, materials belonging to the Site.
  • Site: The website, and all pages, content and other materials pertaining to it.
  • Terms: This agreement and all provisions stated herein.
  • You: The end user.


Visiting this site constitutes legal affirmation that you have read and agree to the following Terms. These Terms are non-negotiable, and constitute a legal contract between you, the User, and Cousins USA Moving & Storage. You must adhere to the following Terms when utilizing any Materials on this site.


Materials found on the Site are the property of Cousins USA Moving & Storage and may be operated by affiliated companies, agents or contractors. All Materials found on this Site are protected by the applicable Trademark and Copyright laws. Although this Site may be accessed globally, you agree by using this site, to adhere to the applicable laws pertaining to the State of Florida. If you do not agree to be bound by these Terms, you are not allowed to access this Site. For texting services, messaging and data rates may apply.

Limited Non-Exclusive License

You may print, download, view and bookmark Materials found on the Cousins USA Moving & Storage site as long as these Materials are used for personal, transitory and non-commercial purposes.

Under this license, you may not:

  • Modify or copy the Materials.
  • Use the Materials for any commercial purpose or public display.
  • Attempt to decompile or reverse engineer Materials found on this site.
  • Host content from this Site on another server.
  • Use the Site for commercial or advertising purposes.

Cousins USA Moving & Storage reserves the right to modify or waive any of these Terms. Cousins USA Moving & Storage has the right to terminate this license at any time.


Cousins USA Moving & Storage reserves the right to revise, delete and update any part of these Terms or other policies used to govern this Site. Cousins USA Moving & Storage reserves the right to edit, delete, remove or revise any Materials found on this Site. If changes are made to these Terms, you agree to the revised Terms by visiting this Site. Cousins USA Moving & Storage does not need to notify you of changes to the Terms or Site.

Third-Party Information

Cousins USA Moving & Storage and/or its content providers own all of the content, materials and other intellectual property related to the Site. The validity of any information provided to the site by third parties is taken upon good faith. We are not responsible for the accuracy of information provided and do not take responsibility for sources. We make no guarantee on the authenticity, reliability or results this information presents.

Text Messaging Terms and Conditions

Cousins USA offers a text message subscription program in order to contact you regarding your interest after your moving inquiry, as well as a one-time text message follow-up after your move to give you the opportunity to provide feedback on your moving experience. Cousins USA Moving & Storage promises not to share any data that is collected through CousinsUSA.com unless expressly authorized by the user.

Cousins USA does not have a separate charge for this service. However, messaging and data rates may apply from your mobile carrier. Subject to the terms and conditions of your mobile carrier, you may receive text messages sent to your mobile phone. Participation in the programs on this short code is standard rated (no premium content).

Messaging Rates

Consenting to participate in this program means you approve of any such charges from your mobile carrier. Charges for text messages may appear on your mobile phone bill or be deducted from your prepaid balance. Cousins USA retains the right to terminate this SMS service, in whole or in part, at any time without notice. The information in any message may be subject to certain time lags and/or delays. You are responsible for managing the types of SMS texts you receive. If you have any questions or need help, contact Cousins USA’s customer support.


By providing your mobile phone number to Cousins USA Moving & Storage, you consent to receiving text messages through your mobile carrier. To stop receiving text messages, reply to the message with the following: STOP, STOP ALL, END, QUIT, CANCEL, or UNSUBSCRIBE or by texting (954) 330-0345 at any time. By enrolling in this subscription program, you consent that following such a request to unsubscribe, you will receive one (1) final message from Cousins USA confirming that you have been deactivated in our system. Following such confirmation message, no additional text messages will be sent unless you re-activate your subscription. If you enter into a service agreement with Cousins USA Moving & Storage, you consent to receiving one (1) final text message request for an online review of our moving services.

By your subscription to the text message moving sales program, you give your consent to Cousins USA to use an automatic dialing system to deliver text messages to the telephone or cell phone number to which you have provided to Cousins USA to transmit these text messages.

Unapproved Communication

These types of communication are prohibited by the Terms:

  • Sexually explicit statements, or obscene, scandalous or pornographic material that would violate any criminal statutes.
  • Junk or unsolicited email; “spam”, surveys or “pyramid schemes” or other inappropriate or prohibited materials.
  • Any viruses, Trojan horses, worms, or any other computer code, files or programs that might interrupt, limit or interfere with, damage, intercept or expropriate any system, data, or information related to the Site.
  • False, libelous, defamatory or misleading speech.

Security Restrictions

Robots, spiders or other means of automated access to the Site are strictly prohibited and are in breach of the Terms. Only access to the Site in ways that are provided by Cousins USA Moving & Storage are allowed. Inhibiting the Site’s functionality or imposing a large server load is also prohibited. You may not test for Site vulnerabilities, unless you have the consent of Cousins USA Moving & Storage.


The impersonation or misrepresentation of another person or entity, forged TCP/IP headers in any email or posting, or use of other means in order to conceal your personal identity is strictly prohibited. You may not create a link to our Site.

Scope of Agreement

By interacting with the Site, you have agreed to the Terms of Service of Cousins USA Moving & Storage. Please use these Terms as a reference for changes in policy.

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By submitting this form, you agree to receive text messages from Cousins USA Moving & Storage. After our initial contact, we will only reply to your messages. You will not receive messages on a schedule. Reply STOP at any time to opt out and prevent all future messages. Message freq may vary and message and data rates may apply.

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